Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Snow Like Ashes...and other stories.

Once Upon a Time in a Land Far Away...

[Pictured Above: The new housing]

...there lived a girl who worked in the Frozen North. For miles, all that could be seen was the Alaskan tundra, the Beaufort Sea...and something called the Pipeline. Oh yes...and some camps and facilities and such. One such camp was where this girl lived and worked for half the year. The other six months of the year, she spent in sunny South Dakota...or freezing South Dakota...depending on the month.

Now this camp was like a home for her as she both lived and worked there. She had many of the things she had in her real home at this camp. Things like her 2nd favorite pajamas, her perfect pillow, all her favorite shampoos etc. so that when she traveled back and forth from her real home, she didn't have to bring anything with her.

Then one night a few days after Christmas, there was a sad occurrence that can be read about  here.

The comforts of home away from home were no more, but it was okay. The girl was simply happy that no one was hurt, and that she still had a job. Her fellow co-workers and company rallied and found new places to work and to sleep and the facility continued to operate, just with a few less than ideal
circumstances. For the time being, she can be found from 6 to 6 in a cubicle in the corner of the big office area in the warehouse. Soon, she will move to the office connex next to the warm storage building (See Above).

Though there are many things that this arctic girl misses, she is very glad and thankful to have a room to sleep in, with a shower, sink and toilet in that same room. Not every place in the far away land has such to have them in temporary/emergency housing feels like a bit of luck.  Even if the water pressure in the shower is beyond dismal.

(Please take note, this girl knows that she failed to make her bed well and there is now photo evidence to suggest that it would be prudent for her to hit snooze on her alarm at least one less time in the morning in order that she complete that small task.)

After the first of the year, this girl and her alternate started a 3x3 work schedule. This means that she works 3 weeks, and then has 3 weeks off. She is currently finishing up the last of those 3 weeks and will be quite happy to quit the freezing arctic, the noisy office, and commuting across the street for meals in order that she may enjoy the REAL comforts of home. Spending time with her boyfriend and her little sister who will be spending 2 weeks with her while she is home. She may also most likely be found learning some more Spanish on Duolingo, trying in vain to learn to crochet, searching for new hobbies and attempting to cook one day at a time.

Last but not least...she will be enjoying the amenities her apartment has, most notably, her WARM shower,
which is not THIS "shower." --------------------------------->

Thank you for stopping by and reading my story! Enjoy your day! Read a book.

Book of the Day: Snow Like Ashes

A heartbroken girl. A fierce warrior. A hero in the making.

Sixteen years ago the Kingdom of Winter was conquered and its citizens enslaved, leaving them without magic or a monarch. Now, the Winterians’ only hope for freedom is the eight survivors who managed to escape, and who have been waiting for the opportunity to steal back Winter’s magic and rebuild the kingdom ever since.

Orphaned as an infant during Winter’s defeat, Meira has lived her whole life as a refugee, raised by the Winterians’ general, Sir. Training to be a warrior—and desperately in love with her best friend, and future king, Mather — she would do anything to help her kingdom rise to power again.

So when scouts discover the location of the ancient locket that can restore Winter’s magic, Meira decides to go after it herself. Finally, she’s scaling towers, fighting enemy soldiers, and serving her kingdom just as she’s always dreamed she would. But the mission doesn’t go as planned, and Meira soon finds herself thrust into a world of evil magic and dangerous politics – and ultimately comes to realize that her destiny is not, never has been, her own.

Monday, January 12, 2015

The Giver...and the Grateful Recipient.

[Brought to you by an ice cube in a cubicle in the Arctic Circle]

(Working Title:)

Small Things I'm Thankful For

There are a lot of different things that could be said here. For example: I'm so grateful i'm alive. Check. I'm so grateful for a family that loves me. Check. Notice, however, that I am focusing on the SMALL things. Things that, honestly, I take for granted every day. Comma's are one such thing. They make expressing oneself via words so much easier. I digress.

Most of you know that I work up on the "North Slope" or the one of the many oilfields up in Alaska near Oliktok Point (Prudhoe Bay is an hour and a half from me). What some of you may NOT know is that we had quite a large and damaging fire at my work site, which culminated in the complete ruination of my beloved camp and office...and kitchen...and all my stuff...along with the stuff of many of my wonderful co-workers. I'm not going to explain it all...i'll make a special post for that later. What you need to know that everything is gone. It's those small things right? All the ones we take for granted.  Here are three of my small things:

Numero UNO:

CERAMIC COFFEE MUGS!!!! I have not often enough thanked the Lord for allowing their existence. I never really thought about it before, because i've ALWAYS had one available. Think about it. They're everywhere! Not so at work currently. Styrofoam all the way. I'm not sure what it is about it...but I find it revolting...and I SWEAR that I can taste plastic in my hot chocolate in the morning (queue super super sad face)

Numero DOS:

Q-Tips. They have sooo many unbelievable uses, and I had no idea how much I loved them until I couldn't scour one up to save my life.

Numero Tres:

Decent water pressure. I know it sounds silly because having water is implied...but seriously. It's important when your hair is 2 ft long, thick, in desperate need of cleaning, and you're trying to wash your hair at 4 a.m. I do not have sufficient command of the English language to properly describe how excited I will be to use a "real" shower when I get home. (wistful sigh - enter here)

The Moral of the Story:

Try and remember to be thankful for the little things every day. You never know when you might not have them! (Yes..i'm sure there is an Aesop's fable out there with that one!) In my case, it's being thankful for a wonderful boyfriend and Amazon Prime, who together, with their great powers of love, thoughtfulness, and free two (okay...maybe five to the slope) day shipping, have surprised me with the things in the above photo and made me one very happy arctic camper!

On that note, have a beautiful day! Read a book. :)

Book of the Day:

The Giver

Jonas's world is perfect. Everything is under control. There is no war or fear or pain. There are no choices. Every person is assigned a role in the Community. When Jonas turns twelve, he is singled out to receive special training from The Giver. The Giver alone holds the memories of the true pain and pleasure of life. Now, it is time for Jonas to receive the truth. There is no turning back. 

Saturday, January 10, 2015

The Name of the Wind...or the blog...?

[Location: That freezing cold place that I work]

The Blog Name That is No More 

I admit, I am THE worst blog writer ever because I get busy and I don't write. Hard to have a blog with no words. I have had several people ask me if I am still blogging so I sat down (metaphorically) and gave some serious thought. Why it was so tremendously difficult to sit down and write a blog post about life in general just to keep far away loved one's updated?! The thought struck me that being a choleric, I had a really hard time writing about things that did NOT pertain to travel because the title of the blog implied it was ABOUT all things travel. While travel is a main staple of my's often the SAME travel of late; to and from work.

Here's the thing. I JUST hit my 1 year mark in my apartment! (GASP) I know...don't faint on me or anything. I was as surprised as any of you, honest! I can't really imagine life anywhere else at this point, I have no desire to move (well...not unless you mean buying a house and to fix it  up just because...but i'm not going to!) and I really like the sleepy little town i'm in. And well...honestly...the people here do beat all (Anne of Greene Gables reference...anyone?).

All that being said, I want to write about little unimportant things, as well as big important ones. I wish to share small triumphs (think cooking) and great joys such as visiting family, travelling with friends and random stories concerning all my wonderful loved ones.  Why the new name I chose? I think it speaks for was never one to miss a little chance for alliteration...

For now, that's all she wrote. I will soon get back to this blogging thing in earnest.

Enjoy your day! Read a book. :)

Book of the Day:

The Name of the Wind (The Kingkiller Chronicle, #1)

Monday, September 8, 2014

Daughter of the Forest...In a Place without Trees

[Location: Arctic Circle...naturally.]

[Warning: long post ahead...I have a year to catch you up on!]

Blog Writing Fail: I disappeared.

I really did. It dawned on me this morning as I was posting pictures to a different blog that this one had been seriously neglected. It's been almost an entire year that i've dropped off the blog-o-sphere. Not that I was ever considered a serious blogger anyway, but it is an easy and fun way to keep people I love who are all over the place updated on the things going on. The added benefit being those updates happen without resorting to the ever more cluttered Book of Faces.

The last year has practically flown by. I believe the last time I wrote I had just settled into the newly renovated basement apt of my folks house in Dalton. Being the restless girl that I am, it was only about 4 months or so before I moved back out again and on to new adventures. I was spending most of my time off of work travelling to see someone, so I thought...heck...why travel? Just move! I've done that a couple times before! Piece of cake.

So. I moved. Where you ask? Where would a girl who loves her trees and mountains of Alaska and Idaho move to? The midwest. Ha. South Dakota to be exact....the flat, treeless part on the eastern side. Please note: I obviously did not move there for it's landscape or job potential. I've always asserted that it's the people that make places awesome, and SD has wonderful people all over. I have never met people so welcoming and down to earth, aside from my apartment manager...but that's a story for another day!

Where was I? Oh yes...moving to the treeless, flat, SD plains and how easy it was going to be.

I decided to move in October...but wasn't going to be able to get into the apartment I found until January. My brilliant thought was to take the essentials down/over before and put them in storage. The rest of my stuff was already in storage in ID and could easily remain there until spring.  So in my newly acquired pickup, I packed stuff up with the help of my family and soon there was driver room only. We covered everything up super well with multiple tarps and tied them down aggressively and I started off on my 1150 mile drive. I was jazzed. Trip wasn't too far and i'd be there in no time!

Okay...trivia moment. How many of you remember that freak blizzard that they had last year at the beginning of October where there was snow everywhere and a million ( cows loose?  No, I didn't get caught in that...but because of the cows, the roads through SD were closed, so I drove the longest, most straight, most BORING drive though ND to reach my destination. This is important, because it started raining about 100 miles out of Idaho and didn't let up until I was in Bismark, and there are very few gas stations! Due to this...I had to stop like every hour and re-tighten/tie (and buy new!) my sad and tattered tarps down. Longest 1100  miles I have ever driven, but I got there, unloaded things with the help of my boyfriend, and took a couple months off from moving.

For all you future travelers though, the above picture...don't. a moving company, or bribe your Dad.   (Hey! It worked for me!)  My dad is great and eventually made that same drive by himself, in the snow, in January, with a u-haul and all my furniture. All for a ticket back to work because he loves me! I'm not a completely horrible person...I hired people to help my dad load the u-haul okay!? :) I also helped unload...even if my dad, boyfriend and his brother did most of the heavy lifting. Even all this time later...MANY THANKS! My apartment is on the 2nd floor...and I have a lot of heavy ...books...and solid wood furniture. For the purpose of this tale, however, it means it's Jan. 2014 and i'm all moved in to a cozy 2 bedroom apt in a small SD town.

In February I had Emma Misener (from All Aboard Wheat Harvest) out to visit/help me settle into my new home. We hung photos and relaxed and had some seriously great girl time.

My two weeks home in March was pretty low key. Hung out with Vince and his family and enjoyed some good book reading time.

April- I finally went and got my car! I had been pining after it all winter long as I repeatedly filled my truck gas tank 3 times as much as my car and for a lot more each time. I flew to ID, saw the family for a day, and turned around and drove that 1100 miles again...but through SD this time! Again...all you future travelers...avoid driving through reservations in the middle of the night. Stick to the interstate...even if it adds an hour. Enough said. I also had the wonderful Marie to visit in April and we did wonderful things like drink coffee with chocolate croissants and search out fun places in Fargo, ND/Moorehead, MN so she could effectively cross those states off her "state's visited" list. It was tons of fun.

Most of May I was at work doing a 3x3 shift so that I could attend the beautiful Nicole & Shaun and Sarah and Daniel weddings respectively. We did 2 weddings in 2 weeks at the end of May/beginning of June and Vince and I (and our lovely friend Sarah S.) had fun driving and attending both!

I only had a week off between shifts at the end of July, so I bought a cheap ticket to visit the family in Idaho, since the last time I had barely had time to eat and sleep before I was gone again, much less hang out! We had a great time going hiking, hanging out at the lake, and because we're us...we also spent time tiling and painting. Yay home improvements!

Last but not least, I was able to be home for my birthday this year! Barely, but still! It was fun, as the Misener clan was staying at my apt. while they were cutting in the area so I was able to do a yearly ride in the combine before they were finished. It was great to have people around and I got some great cooking tips from Mama K (Emma and Dan's mom) while they were there. I spent the day of my birthday at the salon and then headed up to another wedding, this time in Fargo. All in all, quite a lovely day for the first birthday i've been home in 4 years.

That brings us to September! The current month! Success! So much more has happened that I haven't mentioned in the 'highlights', but i'm going to get back into the grove of this. I am! Hopefully from here on out, I can spend this much writing space detailing one portion of time instead of a year. :) More detail is better!

For now, that's all she wrote. Enjoy your day! Read a book. :)

Book of the Day:

If you enjoy a good fantasy novel without too much of what I call "sketch", then you may enjoy Daughter of the Forest, the first book in the Sevenwaters sequence by Juliet Mariller! You can find it on Goodreads at the link below.

Fantasy Genre Definition:

Fantasy is a genre of fiction that commonly uses magic and other supernatural phenomena as a primary plot element, theme, or setting. Many works within the genre take place in imaginary worlds where magic and magical creatures are common. Fantasy is generally distinguished from the genres ofscience fiction and horror by the expectation that it steers clear of scientific and macabre themes, respectively, though there is a great deal of overlap between the three, all of which are sub-genres of speculative fiction.
In popular culture, the fantasy genre is predominantly of the medievalist form, especially since the worldwide success of The Lord of the Rings and related books by J. R. R. Tolkien. In its broadest sense, however, fantasy comprises works by many writers, artists, filmmakers, and musicians, from ancient myths and legends to many recent works embraced by a wide audience today

Thursday, September 12, 2013

The Art of Travel

[Another note from the Arctic...where it has snowed...repeatedly... these past few weeks]


Have you noticed a really ridiculous pattern at all? Yes...I only ever write from work...and only about once a month. Well I'm here today to fill you (mostly) in on life since i've written last!

I spent my last two weeks off going to visit some awesome people in the Midwest! (I also learned that ND, SD & MN were PART of the Midwest. I didn't know!!! I claim "northern girl" who never had to take midwest history or anything like that in high school) I spent a few days at home in Idaho and then flew to Minneapolis/St. Paul where a good friend picked me up. Then we drove about 4 hours to SD. The scenery in that area has its own unique charm. Not quite the overly treed acres or mountainous terrain i'm used to...but there's something beautiful about farm land and knowing that what you're seeing is going to feed people some day.

A quick day in SD was followed by a drive to Lincoln NE to see an awesome family I know and a good friend as well. That too was a quick day and a half as we showed up in the evening and left the next afternoon to head back to SD where I met up with MORE friends whom I stayed with the rest of the week that I was there. Combines...and wheat fields...and camper life! Always fun. :)

All in all, the trip was both quick and full of blessings! I was very excited to finally do a bit of travelling instead of remodeling! Good news though...right before I left, I actually set up my room with the help of my family. It is SO nice to have a place to relax every now and then! I flew back to Idaho and spent a few days with the family before heading up here...where I have been for almost 3 weeks now. I get to go HOME soon! Well..actually...only very briefly...but i'll fill you in on that AFTER it goes down...

May the snow not be seen for many moons wherever you live,

P.S. Always remember-Pack light! :) It leaves room to bring cool things home with you!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Birthday Box # 2

Happy Almost Birthday to's 

I don't have a TON of time to write (did I mention today is the day I get to go home?! It's always a mad dash to get everything done. BLAST you procrastination!) , but I wanted to give a shout out to another great friend who is always super thoughtful and awfully good at gift giving (among many other things). You can visit her blog here to learn/read about all sorts of interesting things and see tips on fashion, movies and many different things about life in general. 

Once again, thank you from the very deep recesses of my little heart for your thoughtfulness on my birthday! Sending things to the Arctic takes forethought and serious follow through and the timing was perfect. I love my gift and the guys will get a kick out of it because they're always calling me "THE boss" all the time...trying to make sure I feel the love and put them in good seats on the plane :). Jewelry is always a hit too, and I LOVE GREEN!  

Many blessings to you this Wednesday my fellow admin! May the rest of your work week be swift and uncomplicated!

Ciao for now....

Saturday, August 10, 2013

The Birthday Box...

Oreo Surprise!
[In that selfsame office in the  middle of nowhere]


I don't have anything witty or humorous to impart this morning. I am simply reflecting on the fact that I very much appreciate my friends. Over the years several of them have been very thoughtful and sent little care packages, birthday and Christmas gifts to me up on the slope while i'm at work. It may not seem like a super big thing...but when you're away from home for the holidays every year...a little "i'm thinking of you" from far away definitely makes the day brighter!  So for all those little packages...I thank you all from the bottom of my heart. They were very much appreciated!

This topic comes to mind this year because once again that dreaded day where we turn one year older is almost upon me and I walked into my office yesterday morning to find a box.  I opened it (yes...I opened it early! It had no markings to specify that I should do otherwise...that is my defense!) to find a tin that looked exactly like the one pictured above. That's right. A giant Oreo. To my was actually filled with white and black cookies. Delicious! Eating them all was definitely not going to happen, so I sent the remaining cookies (there were a LOT) out to the guys in the control room. They were very grateful! I didn't think anything of it...and then this morning I got an e-mail with a picture in it.

Knowing Emma, I really should have known there would be a message at the bottom.  It made me laugh and think of all the other smiles I have enjoyed due to the thoughtfulness of friends over the years and I am taking a moment to appreciate them all!

Have a beautiful day out there and remember to appreciate your friends, as well as the small things! 

Book of the Day: 

The Birthday Box by Leslie Patricelli